I believe it is time that we take the onus on our shoulders to take India to the place it deserves.
"What is a country without it's citizens????"
Ask yourself, Can you definitively say that if India would be a mother, she would be proud to have you as her children. How much have we done towards solving problems of the country???And....
"If we dont solve problems, who does???"
It is we who need to change our ways and ourselves for the better.
Just imagine, if we Indians stop spitting on the road and making it dirty or we Indians are taking bribes, it is not India who is at fault, it is US.
The culture is India shows a place where people clean their indivdual houses and then dont even care where the garbage goes. In this scenario, how can the country be clean.
We need to understand that if not in the past, this is the time when we stay in our country as A DIVERSE UNIFIED WHOLE, as it is only when India grows so rapidly that we should be oblidged to be with it in these times.
We say that India has a very low potential in terms of self made entreprenuers, but we have never considered the fact that that our intellect is being bought by richer countries and we are no more than highly paid servants there. On a personal note, I would never spit in the same plate I eat from.
And i Pray that there are many like me who intend to give back a beautiful country what it has given to each one of us.
"The problem is not out there, but within US"