Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Some stories are better left Untold...

Life sometimes bewilders me with it's turns, nooks and corners. I seem to not understand the course of it even though I actually try to. In times when I should be sad, in times when I should fall down and stay there in utter loneliness, God, my friend sends another guiding light.

I grow out of words when I see this light, my ability to articulate ceases. It has taught me so much in so less time. The subtlety in which it lets me know the truth of life is appallingly terrifying but yet satisfying.

When I look into it, it makes me happy and fill me with positivity. Yes I respect it, I love it, Yes I Like being with it. It breathes life into everything its around and gives that aura which makes you feel at your level best. I Love to Smile when it's beside me.

That smile, that care, that mystery, those values............
It's not with me but it still Is, and will forever be!!! 
I will keep this story with me always as some stories are better left untold....
I feel happy, Thank you God!!!

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