Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The New World

I dont know what awaits me on this paradigm shift that is about to take place in my life.
I am nervous, Yes, but more than that am scared by the swiftness of time that never seems to stop. It never halts and lets me breathe in air and life into myself.

People tell me the move I am about to make is a right move, then why do I feel blank at the thought of changing the place I have been living in for a very long time. From Bangalore to Mumbai, from one big city to another, with this I am going to have to leave behind the friends that i made, the faces that are not strangers to me anymore.

Wit hthis I am also loosing the memories, the smiles and the tears that this city and its people gave me. Having loved every bit of it, I seem to have no complains as to how this place treated me. What I think incessantly in my mind is, having come through all of this, what does my future entail. Is Mumbai a good choice?...

I sit here on this table for some of the very last times and really want to know how it all turns out to be. But I guess there is no other way of knowing that than to walk the mile and take the risk.

I know there will be new people and new surroundings, and all I have is a Smile.
Let us see how far this takes me!!!