Friday, 24 October 2014


That moment in time, where you have so much to think and dwell on that you end up being blank, confused and dis-illusioned. So many thoughts go through your mind, trying to find a solution, trying to pave a way or find one already made. In despair you think of times to come to be gloomy, as you do not know how they are going to turn out to be. You aim for a better tomorrow but you end up spoiling the broth of these problems by adding too many solutions and as a result give out an aura of negativity. A person close to me had told me that at such times, he just closes his eyes and sleeps. Going into the dreamworld makes him get away from all of them. But that is only until he wakes up again, because when he does, he will see all of them sitting patiently beside his pillow waiting for him to get back up and he will have to face them at some point or the other.

We are prone to collecting problems and keeping them for solution later so as to have the present lesser burdening, but we fail to realise that this action of our s will only be a problem for our future as the problems will not just disappear into thin air and vanish, they will stick until they can get an amicable solution to them from you.

What is advisable therefore, is to stand up, face them and say this to them; "Your time is up". The moment we put ourselves to action, problems start to get solved one by one and we end up being far less burdened and far more satisfied as doing something to solve these problems give us a sense of fulfilment and achievement, thus filling our minds with greater confidence to take them head on in the coming future.

You might think that I am just blabbering here, but believe me, I rarely see someone fighting his problems out, mostly I see, sluggishness, laziness, and an incessant hope that all will get better with time. It will......But only when you act and apply yourself.

So Stand up, face your problems and Start Working.

"The Answer to all your problems has always been inside you, Seek it!"

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